Monday, December 20, 2010

During the election campaigning in Bihar in October this year Rahul Gandhi, the heir
apparent of the Indian National Congress proudly claimed, "Aapki Congress party
gareebon ki party hai, aapki party hai." ["Your Congress party is the party of the poor,
your party."]

After 63 years of an independence that was hard fought, such a statement made with a
sense of pride seemed pathetic to me.

While it mirrors the reality we live in, it demonstrates the 63 years of deliberate,
orchestrated and cruel deprivation of a sixth of the world's population. It reeks of the
sheer apathy and shamelessness of those that the man and woman on the street look
upon as redeemers. It talks of the thick skin all of us have developed…our leaders,
administrators, planners, implementers and benefactors. Otherwise, someone in the
crowd should have stood up and hurled a chappal in utter disgust. Or some editor
would have used the pen [or keyboard] to prise open some very bare and basic

But we continue to gather in large 'maidans' to listen to such spells being cast upon
us, take our five rupees, get on to the truck and go back home. Either comfortable
numb, or still in hope that the man on the stage does understand our plight and will
redeem us.

I do not know about other nations and am not really bothered about them, but India
has perfected the art of remaining poor.

Poverty is the lifeline of this country. It helps devise plan after plan, helps justify the
government juggernaut, helps call elections and find the electorate, helps the rich and
ruling class get richer. The poor are very important for our very existence and the
fabric of our democracy.

Even after 63 years we do not have an agreement on how to define 'poverty' and
thereby determine how many are poor. In 2005, the World Bank said 40% were below
the poverty line, while our Planning Commission put it at 27%. And the Arjun
Sengupta report said it was actually 70%. Anyway, to put things in perspective, the
World Bank defines the poverty line at an income below Rs.21.60 per day in the
urban areas [a 500 ml. bottle of Pepsi] and at Rs.14.30 per day in the rural areas.
Around 421 million people in the eight states of UP, MP, Rajasthan, West Bengal,
Bihar, Orissa, Chattisgarh and Jharkhand are below the poverty line. We proudly are
the largest democracy with a third of the world's poor.

According to a report on Asian economic powers, in 1947 India's per capita income
was at $439 while South Korea stood at $770. In 50 years India stood at $1,818 and
South Korea at $13,317! So, what went wrong with us? What stunted our
development and prosperity? Our population? The British rule? The multi-party
democracy? The world powers conspiring against us? The 'socialist' operating
principles? Over reliance on agriculture? Faulty planning? What, exactly what?
Nothing. Actually nothing went wrong. Everything is according to plan. Right from
the time Mr. Nehru justified that some of the poorest parts of country were the ones
ruled longest by the British and systematically de-industrialised in the 190 years of
subjugation, we have planned for poverty as integral to our socio-economic-political

We have used 'socialism' as a term under which we have perpetrated protectionism,
patronage and favouritism.

We have created large public enterprises and then deliberately made them inefficient
to meet specific needs.

We had built a 'license raj' to favour a few rich at the cost of encouraging enterprise
and equitable development across the country.

We have ensured little pockets of industrialisation to ensure concentration of wealth
and power. Thereby corruption, greed and moral decay.

We have not invested in sustainable farming to cater to a few enterprises and move
people forcibly into cash cropping, thereby making them slaves of the public food
distribution system.

We let food grain rot in the open but have not built food transportation and storage
systems across the country, to allow regular import of food grain.
We encourage large-scale migration of villagers into cities to create industrial slums
and a labour force for daily menial work.

We consciously have not helped preserve the lifestyles of our tribals and helped them
sustain to allow large industrial enterprises to 'redeem' them through polluting

We spend less than 0.5% of our GDP on agriculture and less than 5% on education.
We allow more than 200,000 farmers in debt due to failed cash crops to commit
suicide but will not create enablers to sustainable rural living. In fact in 2010 alone
close to 900 suicides have taken place in Baramati while the government spends
Rs.25 crores after a terrorist called Ajmal Kasab.

We conjure up programmes like the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Generation Act that make millions of villagers slaves of projects that are alien to them
and displace them rather than help them lead improve upon what they do best —
farming, animal husbandry, dairy and handicrafts [sorry M/s Dreze, Sen and Stern].
We divert attention from decades of utter neglect of the traditionally poorer zones in
the country to branding acts of socio-economic rebellion as 'anti-national' [not that I
justify the actions of the Maoists in killing innocent people, policemen and blowing
up trains].

We talk of adding close to 40 million every year to the "grand Indian middle class",
but do not talk about the fact that a family's food intake reduced by 100 kgs per year
in one decade in 2007.

We talk of overtaking this economy and that economy and having some of the highest
number of billionaires, but our Human Development Index is one of the worst ever,
we have world's highest number of malnourished people and around 40% of our
children below 5 years of age are underweight.

We are systematically working towards the collapse of the villages to ensure mass
scale migration and creation of an urban poor populace that will crave for jobs, food
and shelter. And give you votes against promises of redemption.

If you just sit back and take an unemotional, detached look at the economics of
poverty in our country, you will realise that it is not the cause but the outcome.
The poverty indices are not a cause of embarrassment but are actually desired. They
are part of a greater plan. The poor are needed — for the middle class, the ruling class,
the earning class and the world-class. They are the means to an end. They are a
'necessary and sufficient condition', as an economist would say, for India to progress.
Otherwise, nobody can justify the condition more than 400 million of us are in after
63 years of self-determination. Mr. Gandhi would have felt ashamed thinking of those
words, leave alone gallantly using them, not once but 16 times while doing the rounds
of Bihar!

We are truly unique in many ways.
The art of remaining poor is one such way.

Signing Off


Friday, May 7, 2010

What it takes to be a Chartered Accountant

Hello to all

Its the blog that every CA student dreams of writing. Because you have to b a CA to write this!!
Its about all what I (we) did in last 5 years that today I am a Chartered Accountant.
I always wanted to be an IAS officer. My dad wanted me to get admission in Sri Ram college, Delhi and prepare for IAS. But after I lost him, I had to be with mu mum and sis here in Udaipur and all I could do here was CA.
Joined Srajan after 12th (scoring 88.4%) for coaching of CA Foundation. I was never interested in taking coaching for theory subjects and so I joined only Accounts-Maths-Stats, and theory on my own.
I remenber my firsta class. A 'Air-Cooled' (they said AC) room. I was sitting in the center of the class and there was hardly anyone whom I knew. There was a boy with as big eye-brows as mustach of Nathulal and I had seen him in my school couple of times in some competitions. So I had someone whom I could go and say a hi to..Nishant. Who knew that time that both of us will b 2 among the three idiots!!
I dont remember how and when I met the third one of us Ketan Lal..and in no time we were 'Trimurti' of the academy!!
Well, lets come to exams of PE-1. Starting from 2nd of May 2006 they were to end on 6th.
And guess what??
I had a huge abciss on my left thumb!!
I gave all four papers with that thumb raised as if I was whishing 'best of luck' to all, all three hrs!!
We gave the exams and joined Srajan again for PE-2 on 12th May itself as we were confident that we will pass..(here we means Ketan, Nishant and me).
The result was to come by mid july when our Law faculty had come from Mumbai (i hope he stays there only!!)
And finally the result was out..I entered my roll no. with my heart jumping in my stomach and got to see 310 marks out of 400 for which the all India rank was certain!!!!

to be continued!!!


Monday, April 19, 2010

Hard Times Call for Hard Measures

hi to all

Its been long that i am writing a new blog..

After clearing the CA final exams, I wanted to write a blog thanking all those who were directly/indirectly involved (not involved too) for my initial success in life. But couldn't somehow do that, may be I was too bad managing time after that!!

I will come with it sooner than later..

But seeing a few things these days I couldn't resist writing this one!!

Its all about the situation worsening on the internal security front.

All that I have understood from the time I could understand, was that the government is in the centre for people's security, their protection. But either I have been understanding all things wrong since my childhood or the government has failed to do what should be its top priority.

A breaking news that will be hard to ignore for long time.." Maoists kill 73 Jawans"

Well, that moment was the moment I thought one of the darkest times in this nation.

How can we, the world's largest democracy, the world's 2nd fastest growing economy, the world's one of the most intelligent breed of people, the world's largest secular nation, fail to handle such a situation knowing that all this is in plan for decades?

How can a home minister be so irresponsible to take responsibility of such a disaster and offer resignation rather than taking seriously hard action?

How can we fall so weak time and again?

How can we call them our countrymen when they themselves do what even a foreign enemy will think 5000 times before doing?

How can we let politics enter the security regime of our country?

How can we wait bad things to happen and then pour our politics over it?

Well, Mr. Chadambaram, The Gandhis, and the Congress all thumbs down for you.

I don't understand how long Mrs. Gandhi will try and strengthen her party first and the country second, how long Mr. Rahul Gandhi will do every thing possible to collect votes rather than saving hundreds and thousands of lives, I don't understand how long this party will remain paralytically weak and let the country go into the danger of naxalites!!!

And the worst part, the Learned Home Minister saying that its a state subject!! (Q. What do you do when the (lady) Boss does not want things to happen? A: Make such stupid statements)

Those 76 CRPF men were state subject? Its an insult to those brave martyrs, who without proper ammunition, arms and planning were dumped in there.

Pls don't say this to their family members..

The constitution has divided subjects into 3 lists for law making process, but will you stick to that list even when your people are dying??

I don't know what stops this Government from taking hard measures in hard times!!

Is this the same party whose leader killed Jarnail Singh Bhindrawala in the Golden Temple??

Is this the family of that Great Indira Gandhi who acquired almost half of Pakistan in 1971??

I doubt, not the 'blood' but the 'will'!!

This Gandhi lacks the will and thus others are not allowed to do what should be done.
This is hard time the country is facing and the government will and should take responsibility and hard measures to fulfil it rather than calling a state or a national subject.
Kindly treat it a matter of urgency and rather than calling a core committee meeting for discussing IPL and Narendra Modi. Pls save my country..

Take the extreme step if necessary.
How long we will face this?
How many more massacres you want to get up from politics.. Mrs Gandhi elections are not near and public memory is short. Hit them hard and you will be a hit.
Pls follow your mother in law in dealing with security of the nation.
If you keep country first priority, people will keep your party first priority..
(This political language you may understand!!)

Singning off
With all thumbs down for Government

Jai Hind