Hello to all..
These days after the Mumbai attack, I have been through a lot of blogs, papers, web sites, columns many of them written by young boys and girls. And almost all of them left me sad. And if not sad, disappointed..
I dont know why all the people want to boycott elections??
I dont understand why they want to shout rather than act?
In the largest democracy of the world you have to be patient for things to change. I agree that system needs change, I agree that the current bunch of leaders have not proved strong, and I agree that some strong men and women need to come ahead. But can it be done by boycotting elections??
Can it be done by shouting and saying that politicians should be sacked??
No, I dont think so.
Things have to be changed, system has to be changed, but there needs to be a long term plan for it.
It requires that the fire in the youth sholud last and shouldnt cool down in coming weeks. We all want things to change, but WE dont want to come forward for it. We dont want to make politics our career. We want to safety of our careers and lives and then we want that some one should rise up to change things...
Blaming politicians will not help. They , I believe, are the people who made politics their career and have brought our country to where it is. And some loop holes are bound to be there, and when some people start taking advantage of such loopholes to spread disaster, the need for change arises. And this change has to come from within.
"Egg broken from outside force - a life Ends
If an egg breaks from Within - a life Begins"
Great things always begin from within.
I was very impressed by what Mr. Rahul Gandhi said in the parliament the other day. He said "The attack in Mumbai was not on a marathi or north Indian, was not on a hindu or a muslim, not on rich or poor, i was on Indian. If you were an Indian on that day in Mumbai, you were under attack. We should, therefore, unite, because thats the way our enemy sees us."
I hope I have successfully conveyed what I wanted to..
Signing off